
Fear of the Unknown

July 24, 2014



For all of you that know me, you’ll know that I have been in the restaurant industry since I was 16… I’m now 29. Thats a LONG TIME. I have felt it pressed upon my heart to finally quit and put 100% of my heart into my photography, but I’m AFRAID. I go back and forth whether I am making the right decision. I have second guessed my decision numerous times because I am very fearful, FEARFUL OF THE UNKNOWN. What is life going to be like not being a server? Will I make enough money with my photography, will I be happy? Will I be successful or will I fail?



    “It never ceases to amaze me when God wants to take someone to the next level in their life and they let fear of the unknown rob them of tremendous blessings.

 I think there are two common problems with Christians- They are scared to death of being truly free and of God’s overwhelming love.”

― R. Alan Woods, The Journey Is the Destination: A Book of Quotes With Commentaries


As I sit back and think about the concept of fear, I know, without a doubt that many people are paralyzed with it every single day. To me, fear is “twisted faith”. Its something that sneaks in and prevents us from trusting God. Do you ever wonder how many amazing opportunities you have missed out on because you have let fear consume you? 

Fear is a lie.

A lie that keeps us from LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST .

Today I challenge you to examine your fears, and FACE them. Trust that God will walk you through this, and be there on the other side.  I guarentee you’ll be one step further then you were before. You only live ONE life.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7


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