Finding inspiration for your brand can be right under your nose, or in your closet. I am currently working on my grid cork board above my desk. Isn’t it cool?? Everything I find that I like I tack to it. This can be as simple as a wrapper with unique fonts on it or a photo out of a magazine. There’s no rules to this inspiration board, its ALL ABOUT YOU!! Not only does it inspire me but motivate me as well!! Btw- you can get the cork board at Target 🙂
I’m currently in the process of figuring out my brand and what that means to me. Although I do have a new website and logo, I want to go further. I want my brand to be an extension of me so I am always keeping my eyes open for inspiration.
Why did I like this girl? She’s very edgy and I love her freckles (I’m secretly jealous of people with freckles).
There is NO LIMIT to what this inspiration cork board holds! I have no clue who those guys are but I LOVE street photography & portraits.
If you can’t tell I LOVE PORTRAITS! Richard Avedon is one of my favorite photographers!
The grid image below are shirts I found in my closet. I compiled close up shots of my shirts, shoes and accessories. It blew me away how much I learned about myself!
I’m all about the patterns, and colors!
I love Hokie so he had to be in the picture!