Photo: Tonie Christine Photography
When I started my business two years ago I had no followers and now- I have over 500. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that someone took the time to “LIKE” my page. Honestly, its truly not about the “likes” but the genuine people who are standing behind you, your business, and purpose.
As time has gone by past clients; brides, families, and friends have become my cheerleaders. I’ve got a gang of cheerleaders out there, and let me tell you- you have not gone unnoticed and I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. Those days when I questioned if I should be a photographer I read those comments and you guys inject some life back into me!
One of my New Years resolutions for my business was to blog five days a week. I’ve been a little busy with traveling lately so its a work in progress. I am remembering to give myself GRACE. -A valuable word we ALL should remember. I feel like I owe it to you to blog five days a week. I am going to do my best to make this happen. You cheer me on so I want to give you a little piece of me back, whether that be writing about my business, my passions or even about the fact that I am obsessed with Sour Patch Kids and can’t stop till a whole bag is gone…then my stomach hurts. **Sigh**
Anyways- hold me accountable. 5 DAYS A WEEK. -BOOM.
Ps- I hope you will give me grace too if I miss a day.