In the words of Kylie…..
Ummm…..who is this stranger holding me? I don’t know you…BUT i do like your earrings. Letme touch ’em.
The boys LOVE me. I’ll do my serious MODEL face.
It’s my biRFday and I’m haaaaappy.
It’s my party and I’ll CRY if I want to!!! MOM, did you SERIOUSLY just put me on this T H I N G!!?
Ummm hello? What is this THING you want me to eat??
Hmmm…….gotta think about this one…
You want me to look WHERE??
Mmm….num num num.
You’re telling me, I get PRESENTS!???
ARE YOU SERIOUS? Mmm HMMM I’m liking this day.
LONG DAY, its tough being the center of attention but someones gotta do it.