Its amazing how so many factors play a role in creating a beautiful images. I personally think, the most important thing is the lighting. If you are like me, and a good portion of others out there, we utilize the natural light in anyway possible. So what do you do if you are in a tough spot but need a little “pop” of light back on a subjects face, or on a detail like a ring shot? You find whatever you can that is a natural reflector. If you are outside, look for sand, a light sidewalk, or even a white wall and place your subjects next to it. If you are inside, white curtains or a white pillow will do the trick too! If you don’t have a natural reflector, bring a pop up reflector but don’t let it distract your bride or groom. Everything reflects light and what your subject is next to or standing on is going to get the color reflected onto it. Start observing the way light reflects around you – the trees will reflect green, trees with blooms on them normally will reflect the blooms (if there’s enough) and so on. The more conscious you are of your surroundings the better control you will have of lighting your images.
The ground is the natural reflector giving them a pop of glow mixed with the sun!
These bridesmaids were shot on the white ground.
I cropped the image in even further to focus on the flowers.
Its not always necessary to see where the source of light is.
Gorgeous bouquet that has the chair and the cushion reflecting light on it.
I utilized the curtains to give the rings an “all around pop”.
Jasmine Star writes a great post about “natural reflectors” on her blog! Check it out!