
Lynchburg Engagement Session | Sydney & Josh

March 30, 2017


Josh & Sydney’s engagement session at Camp Hydaway in Lynchburg, Virginia was cozy and full of adventure! These two felt like old friends who I had grown up with. They were so warm and welcoming that I knew that it was going to be an amazing engagement session. When I asked Sydney where they wanted to do their session they wanted to be outside in the mountains and what better place to do that than Josh’s childhood camp? When I walked into the camp I was taken back by its beauty. The pond was huge, the woods were vast, and it was quiet. QUIET! Life was untouched and perfect, and I couldn’t have been more happy to be there with those two. These two bring so much joy wherever they go and I couldn’t be more excited for their wedding!!!Lynchburg Engagement Session_0029.jpg
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“Josh and I met sometime in 2010, years before we even thought to like each other. We served in church together in the student ministry and were involved in all the same things so we definitely knew exactly how the other person was. It wasn’t until 2013, the year we both worked as camp counselors at Camp Hydaway, that we became really close friends. Even in becoming really close friends we didn’t “like” each other that way. But we were definitely close friends who did a lot together within our large friend groups. I started liking him first during the summer of 2015. It felt out of the blue but I couldn’t shake it. I was just starting to really see how he interacted with students at church, how consistent he was, and honestly just how exciting, talented, and dedicated he was in everything he did. I realized we were a lot alike. I started liking him so much that I almost felt like I needed to tell him! But God definitely had another plan and during a hilarious turn of events, we actually got gift-cards during a leader appreciation event at church in which Josh asked me on a date because of them. We went on our first date October 5, 2015 and we were officially in a relationship December 4, 2015.”


“Josh is the sound designer and percussion instructor for Liberty University’s marching band and without my knowledge was using the marching band halftime show of 2016 to plan his proposal to me. On October 29, 2016, I was siting in the stands at Liberty University as I always do watching the show he helped design, and he had climbed up to the stands to watch it with me which had become a normal thing. During that show we eventually made it to the sidelines to here it and watch it.  Towards the end of the show, he turned towards me, and said, “do you trust me?” I said “yes.” And he smiled, took my hand, and started running ONTO THE FIELD. I was so confused but he’s always talking about how he wants me to really experience things like he does and so I thought, “he is going to ruin the show he worked so hard on just so I can experience it!!!” And before I finished thinking that, we were on the 50yard line, he was on one knee, and i said yes to marrying him in front of 16,000 people. My family was there, as well as nearly everyone who new us. Everyone had known about this but me. I was shocked, and It was the greatest day. I can’t wait to spend my life with this man, grow together, and trust the Lord together. Josh and I often talk about how richly and extravagantly God has blessed us and our hope is that we glorify Him daily in our new life together starting April 28, 2017! :)”

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