I must say, I am working with an extremely TALENTED lady for my wedding. Stacie McGeever is a new up and coming floral designer in the Richmond area. We sat down, I showed her my vision and she executed it like a CHAMP. I was so OVERJOYED I couldn’t stop smiling. Wedding planning has been very challening for me because I’m not the most organized person, and once she showed me my centerpieces for my wedding in May and I couldn’t believe it was all coming together!!! We spent some more time shooting a centerpiece for a different client’s wedding which was so much fun! Thanks Stacie, you are such a sweetheart!
Billy Balls, Acacia, and Succulents
Stacie’s mom joined us and was so proud of her daughter’s talents. Aren’t they cute??
Lysianthus and Seeded Eucalyptus
Beautiful ladies!! <3