Who is Nicki Metcalf Pliodzinskas?? Well I thought it was time to give you a little lowdown on me since I haven’t really introduced myself. First thing is first. Lets talk about the last name thing because it happens far too often.
Sounds like – (PLUH – GIN – SKUS)
Okay moving on. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way – something else that is VERY IMPORTANT is this- looks can be deceiving. I look taller on Facebook. So when we meet in person and you don’t see me, just look down. Yes its me. I’m 4’11”. Am I legally a midget? Well HECK I don’t know, I just get that question all the time. I’ll tell you what I am though- BIG THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES LIKE DYNAMITE! I knew you would like that. So if you think you have a small joke, I have probably heard them all. I haven’t heard anything original but if you think you have something shoot it over!
You can see the height difference in this picture below. HA!
Im originally from Christiansburg, VA (near Blacksburg) and am a huuuuge (think Donald Trump “HUUUUUGE”) Hokie fan.
My dog is even named Hokie!! I am the youngest of two older brothers and probably my moms favorite . . . favorite DAUGHTER I meant. Mom’s don’t have favorites right? 😉 I went to James Madison University and switched my major a KAZILLION times. I ended up on, yup you guessed it! Photography.
I currently live in Richmond VA with my hubby & doggy….RVA! I freaking love this city. It’s really getting its name out there and growing. I met my hubby ( kinda, sorta) at Starbucks and love him to death. We are almost polar opposites but he keeps me on task and I keep him on his toes! He has taken this free spirit and helped to refine it a little. Thats what happens when you marry and engineer! No really, he is an amazing man and I love his love for Christ. That is why I fell in love with him.
So now that you have a little background on me I think it’s time to get more personal . . . I love pizza. I COULD IT EAT EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE. Especially from Papa Johns. We live next to a Pizza Hut and have ever stepped foot in it! Do you know what a Green Tea Frappachino is? Well you probably better learn because everyone I have introduced this drink to gets addicted. It’s a Starbucks original and one of my FAVORITES.
I spend most of my days at home or at a coffee shop working on my business, Nicki Metcalf Photography. If you didn’t already know, I’m a wedding photographer. I adore my job and love being immersed in someones happiest day of their life. I love joy and and am a big advocate of finding joy. Our world can be so negative, so why not strive for joyfulness instead? I think my favorite thing about my job is that I have the ability to stop time and capture a memory forever.
- I’m OBSESSED with animals (especially dogs) and can’t stop myself from snuggling with stranger’s dogs.
- I ask a TON of questions.
- Street photography is my secret love.
(Pretty funny right?)
- I’m a thrifter. – – Always on the hunt for something vintage
- If someone has Sour Patch Kids in front of me I LITERALLY CAN’T STOP from eating the whole bag.
- I love to dance. I use to be in the break dancing club in college but don’t remember a thing from it! -My photographer James and I are busting it out at my wedding.
- Im huge into ART and my favorite artist is Basquiat. Did I mention I paint?
- 90’s EVERYTHING. Oh the days of Kurt Cobain and Furbies. Raise your hand if you watched Save By The Bell!??
- I believe California is my soul state.
- I was a server for 12 years and miss it every day. – No joke.
- Jump – Van Halen is my ALL TIME FAVORITE SONG.
- I LOVE meeting strangers ( my family has worried about me for years because of this)
- I also love traveling and being in a new cities!!!
- I have this weird fascination with planes and jets.
- I have been collecting hats all of my life. I love them, far too much!
So now you have a little taste of who I am, I hope you will stop by more often!!