For Photographers

5 Ways To Further Your Business During Off Season

December 2, 2015


Your 2015 season has officially ended with a BANG and you are ready to kick back and relax – HOLD YOUR HORSES. . . It’s not time to do nothing! You are a BOSS, and need to use this down time to sharpen your business. Does this mean you need to be so busy that you can’t sit down with a cup of hot cocoa and watch A Christmas Story? No!! You totally need to do that, but prioritize your time!


I was at a networking event and I asked someone for a business card. They said, “I’m going green”.  I thought, hmmm… I’m a tree hugger too but MAN, you totally need business cards! You are your best advertisement and need to be prepared for any opportunity that comes your way.

William & Mary Williamsburg Virginia Wedding Bouquets Photo


This is a GREAT time to preplan your blogging schedule. Blogging is an AMAZING way to market yourself and it has worked for leaders in the industry like Katelyn James and Amy & Jordan! They swear by it! I too love blogging and am working on blogging more all the time!!! If you are having a hard time blogging, or choosing a topic keep these things in mind : What is something close to your heart? How can you help someone else? How can you teach someone something? If you are still struggling make a Blog Jar. Write down any and every topic that comes to mind that you are passionate about on little pieces of paper. When you are struggling to write, pull something out from the Blog Jar to help you make a decision. Easy as pie!


Your website is like a “handshake”. It is the first thing people come to, to get a first impression of you so keep your work fresh and updated! 🙂 If you are unable to put up new images after weddings, the off season is the perfect time to make that happen! Another page that I think is a great way for your clients to see how awesome you are is a “Raves” page. Contact old clients and ask them if they wouldn’t mind writing up about their experience with you and why they enjoyed you being their wedding photographer. This goes a long way and it really helps to sell you!

Business Books For Wedding Photographers Photo Nicki Metcalf Photography


As photographers we should never stop learning! The industry is constantly changing and we can always learn something new. The best way I have found to learn are books, blogs, and sites like Creative Live. I’m super excited for this off season – to just sit  and read a good book! Some of my recent favorites are –


Make It Happen – Lara Casey

Purple Cow – Seth Godin

Love Does – Bob Goff

Love Is The Killer App – Tim Sanders


As photographers, we have been given a gift to stop time and capture memories. If you are super busy and aren’t able to do this during the year than this is the perfect time to donate your time. Contact your favorite charity and ask if there is a race you can shoot, or give the gift of a portrait session. There are always ways to utilize your photography you just have to look! 🙂

Enjoy your off season and always keep on keep’n on! Rest up because the new wedding season will be here before you know it!




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